Monday, July 12, 2010

Meet Porkchop...

I was raised in a "cat house" and never really learned to love dogs. In fact, I have had people tell me that there is something they don't trust about people who don't like dogs...but, that's me.

Jeff always had a dog growing up and because of that we have tried. The occurrences below I am not proud of, but hey, it is what it is...

First came Bentley. If you have spent much time in the Coleman house you will remember this miniature Schnauzer who spent most all his hours of the back porch...poor guy. Well Habitat Julie had a friend who had a miniature Schnauzer and wanted to give Bentley the home he deserved. They came for him one night late and right when they got their the kids woke up...busted in the panhandle. Goodbye Bentley.

Next came Oscar...a wiener dog...novel name, I know. Well Oscar snuck out one Saturday morning and was hit by a neighbor (local teacher to remain un-named.) It was horrible, very upsetting. Poor Oscar, only 5 months old.

Jack was the next victim...I mean attempt at door ownerness for us. Jeff bought Jack while I was in the middle of remodeling my kitchen and did not have the where-with-all to object. Loser. Jack is a great dog, but we were not great dog owners. I have said that I have taught three things not to pee on the floor, I'm not potty training anything else as long as I live. After Jack's fate started looking like Bentley's I made a command decision and gave him to my in-law's. Jeff thought I was joking...I wasn't. They love him! He is a perfectly trained pup and the kids get to see him all the time.

Fast forward several years...I was cruising Craigslist (greatest site ever) when I found an English Bulldog. Jeff has wanted a dog so bad and I couldn't resist. Call it temporary insanity. I decided to surprise him with Porkchop...I know, that was the name he came with. Pokchop was a year old when he came to us and he was trained well by someone else. All the bad habits he has now came from us...for sure. Right from the start he fit right into our house. Some people say that he even "looks" like he belongs in our house. Well, Porkchop is messy and he snores. He is so ugly he is cute...and I love him. He is the first dog I have ever loved.

The picture above is him in front of the television this weekend barking at the dog on Animal Planet...okay, maybe he isn't brilliant.

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