Thursday, February 25, 2010

Sound it out.

One of my New Year's Resolutions this year was to read more. I really do love to read, but I seem to run out of town everyday and do not manage to squeeze a lot of reading in. When I was in college I started reading magazines like crazy. I always felt too guilty reading novels when I should have been reading a text book, but magazines made me feel less guilty. Now I probably have about 5 delivered to my house every month and then I pick up another 4 or 5 in the grocery store through the month.

Well, it's February already and I think I may be reading less than ever (maybe a clue about not setting resolutions.) In fact, I just finished the first book I have read this year. Maybe reporting on what I'm reading will encourage me to make time. Book number one was not life changing. In fact, it really has no educational, professional, or spiritual message at all. It is just plain chick lit. "Being Committed" by Anna Maxted was a fun little book which was written by a British author which makes it all the more enjoyable. I admit I picked the book based on the cover...probably from Tara's bookshelf. The book is about a girl who has some commitment issues based on an experience from when she was young. She is proposed to for the third time when the book opens and sillyness ensues. The writing was smart and the bad language when written by a Brit is more charming than offensive (as wrong as that may sound...)

I'm now going to finish "Tipping Point" which I started weeks ago and start "Socialnomics." Both will hopefully teach me something to become a better...something.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

What a find!?

As I already stated, I found a great chair on Monday afternoon and it was only $4.99. What originally attracted me to it was of course the color. But, I am also a fan on anything with a cane back. The challenge is that as you can see there is not a real seat. Although Jeff thinks it is ridiculous to buy half a chair, I see this as a chance to personalize it. In fact, I plan on selecting the world's greatest fabric for it this weekend. I am open to suggestions on how create a seat for my seat.

Speaking of goal we have this year is to redo the backyard because right now it is just scary. With no real budget to speak of and dreams of green grass, a bbq area, twinkle lights, and a collection of vintage tables, I started to think. Since I was home all day by myself I actually had time to think...novel. What I did was post under the yard/garden section on Craigslist and advertise that I would barter marketing labor for landscaping labor. Well, in just a few short hours I got a call. I'm excited about my new new landscaper buddy who seems to be very good at what he does and easy to work with. I'm going to create a plan for his marketing and web site and he is going to create a plan for my yard! I can hardly believe it...looks like a win-win. More backyard shenanigans to report later.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

12 hours O' fun

Being gone from 7a to 7p is not a rare occurrence in Colemanville, but today it seemed like a real beating. I can honestly say I have been a miserable person last two hours and for that I am sorry. The beginning of the day went as normal and work was actually pretty uneventful (a nice change.) After work I rushed home to pick up the kids and go to the open house at the new Deer Point Elementary. I know what your thinking... you are picturing camo uniforms, double wide trailer classrooms, and redneck as the foreign language, but you are wrong. In fact, I dare say it is probably the nicest looking school in Bay County right now. The entire school is inside and two stories. The walls, floors, and finishes are tastefully colorful. And it generally looks like a nice place to go everyday.

So after a tour of the school where everyone insisted we go where they wanted first, and getting sucked into book fair that just so "happen" to be in the media center (that's code for library if you are kickin' it old school) we had to run to Target to meet Angela for a discounted Marriott pass. As I recall this event I can see that this is not nearly as exhausting as it felt. But...did I mention I had three kids with me who all wanted to sit in the front, all wanted to out-talk each other, and all were driving my nuts? After Target was a quick drive through at Wendy's for baked potatoes and chili...kind of a healthy'ish dinner. Oh yeah, there were also frostys involved.

A quick dinner, bath for the girl child (1 in 3's not too bad), and several threats to "sleep in your bed, there's a novel idea!" later, at last..I sit. While the boys were eating I asked Nick is he was enjoying his dinner. He replied with a nod (mouth full of crackers) and Jeremy said under his breath, "good because it will be your last dinner." I know the correct reaction was not to laugh, but at that moment I couldn't help it, so laugh I did.

Once I got to Care's room to tuck her in I was met with her on her bed prepared to entertain me with singing and an interpretive movement to "You are my sunshine" (our nightly song.) Care went totally Napoleon Dynamite on me and I admit it again I laughed.

So, I feel like I should wrap this up with a lesson Full House style...cue the cheesy background music. The lesson is that even though I may have threatened to leave Caroline at Wendy's and use her sore thumb to hitchhike home and told Jeremy that he ranked third on my favorite kid list (I know...that is not right,) they really do make me laugh all the time. Hopefully my lack of patience and crazy lady car threats will not scar them for life. Only time will tell.

Monday, February 15, 2010

little things...

For several years I have been wanting to start a blog, but have thought...why? Unlike some I don't have crazy city adventures, world travels, or a wildly successful and interesting career to blog about. What I have is...the little things. For example, today is President' Day and I got to sleep in on a Monday...sweet! The morning was spent rearranging bedrooms to accommodate Jeremy's new big bed. Lunch was at Chili's with Bub and Caroline and then to Books-A-Million to do my taxes. A car wash, trip to Goodwill with Tara, and an awesome chair for $4.99 made up the rest of the afternoon. The highlight of the day is sitting in my living room with a fire while watching the "Bachelor." Yes, I know it is silly and quasi-trashy, but I love it.

I thought this would also be a great way to communicate with the people in our lives who used to follow, but who have been disappointed by Jeff's posting lately. No promises of fish tank talk or free screen savers. But, I also promise you won't see my watch accidentally make it in every picture I take. Although Coleman, the Internets original blogger, has fallen down on his blogging duties, he still is keeping up the Flickr account which you can see at

So, this blog will be a way to share with you my "little things"...silly things the kids say, great deals I find in thrift stores, commentary on the latest chick flick I've seen, and the such. Okay, time for the bachelor's date with Vienna (not my fav)...good night.