Wednesday, June 23, 2010

The awesomest....

Nick played his first basketball game last night he almost bounced from one side of the court to the other because he was so excited. I'm not sure we have a future NBA player on our hands, but I think he will really enjoy playing this summer.

So I have a Nick story for you. Unfortunately it is not first hand because it was told to my mum while I was in Texas last week. But, it goes something like this...

Nick: Wanna see the awesomest kid in my class? (he had his yearbook)
Nana: I thought you were the awesomest kid in your class.
Nick: No, I'm the second awesomest. This is Riley, he's the first awesomest.

Silly boy.

This picture was taken a couple weeks ago in the church parking lot. He was amazed at this giant truck so Jeff took a picture for him.

He stepped on a bee today and was stung on the foot. He's pretty excited to tell that story, although he has a hard time remembering which foot when he wants to show it to you. Summer fun.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

I heart words...

Today I was reading an issue of “Chief Marketer” (I know, sophisticated reading for a girl who usually sticks to People, Glamour, and Country Living) when I stumbled upon a word I have never heard or seen before. The word was “kerfuffle” and the sentence read something like “Consumer kerfuffle aside, online merchants…” Kerfuffle? Hmmm…had this been 10 years ago I would have pulled out my trusty dictionary to look that puppy up. But instead, I Googled “Merriam Webster” and quickly found my answer…

Main Entry: ker·fuf·fle
Pronunciation: \kər-ˈfə-fəl\
Function: noun
Etymology: alteration of carfuffle, from Scots car- (probably from Scottish Gaelic cearr wrong, awkward) + fuffle to become disheveled
Date: 1946
chiefly British : disturbance, fuss

No wonder I was so drawn to the word…it is “chiefly British” and I LOVE all things “chiefly British.” Chiefly British cars, chiefly British accents, chiefly British movies, chiefly British books, chiefly British Hugh Grant. Okay, maybe not chiefly British oil companies…but, you get the point.

I had so much fun sharing my new word that I decided I will learn (or at least skim) a new word every day. I have signed up for the “word a day” online and so each morning a shiny new word will be waiting in my inbox. Don’t worry…if I find a good one I will share.

Monday, June 7, 2010

The week of my birthday I made a list (I love a list) of 32 things to do before I turn 33. I have kept the list to myself until now. Today I got an email from my good friend Karen and she had made her own list (a bit deeper than mine however.) So, I thought why not put my list out into the world...maybe I'll be more apt to work towards completing it. Here it is in all its randomness...

1. Lose 20 pounds (original I know)

2. Exercise more (see #1)

3. Learn about plants, flowers, grass…go green’ish

4. Spend a whole day with just my Mum

5. Spend more time with friends at home

6. Do something for the church (outside of regular stuff I already do)

7. Read at least 3 legitimate classic literature books (less chic lit)

8. Teach kids how to do laundry

9. Get a physical

10. Read at least 3 work related books

11. Take the kids to do something charitable

12. Clean/organize the garage for Jeff

13. Start recycling

14. Plan a Princess Bride party

15. Take a golf lesson

16. Learn to cook fish

17. Organize the “cat room”

18. Make photo books from past trips

19. Finish Nick’s quilt I started

20. Plan ahead for Christmas gifts

21. Learn how to reupholster a chair

22. Learn how to make spaghetti carbonara

23. Update my Linkedin account

24. See a movie with Jeff where lots of things get blown up

25. Organize the laundry room

26. Paint a picture with Caroline

27. Help Nick write a book

28. Take Jeremy on a date

29. Go to the beach

30. Plan a better morning routine

31. Take the kids bowling

32. Host a summertime party for the neighborhood kids

Sunday, June 6, 2010

A little bit of crazy...

This time of year I always start having the craziest of thoughts. A thought so crazy, so absurd, so odd and not like me at all.

I think of all the positive things…the time off, the time off, on and did I mention the time of off. If I were to take the plunge and do this crazy and wild thing I would right now be preparing for nine weeks of freedom and fun.

That’s right…I am talking about teaching. Every summer it seems that everyone is off but me. I hate it!

Now, I know myself enough to know that teaching isn’t the answer…being independently wealthy is. Ha! I think that if I was with kids (big or little) all day I would not be able to muster up the energy to be nice to my own every night. And the truth is that with 9-12 weeks off I would probably lose my mind or end up adding a room to my house…neither a good idea.

So I guess I am not destined for summers. But, maybe I can squeeze in a few long weekends.