Tuesday, November 9, 2010

'Tis the season

Is it me, or is this year flying by? I can’t believe that this time next week we will be in the middle of November. In an attempt to not get behind and turn into a crazy holiday person, I took a step. We did our family Christmas pictures the first week of November. And, since one of my goals is to simply this Christmas we had our pictures taken at home. From start to finish we were done in 40 minutes and it was wicked easy. In fact, I had the CD of the pics the next day (because my photographer rocks socks) and we have several great shots to choose from. I usually just put the kids on the card, but I may use a pic of the whole fam…the jury is still out.

I have taken some time to reflect on what I love about this season and figure out a way to eliminate the stress and create more time to just enjoy being with friends and family. The month is already filling up of activities and parties, so if I don’t start planning ahead I will be doomed. Here are the things I enjoy…

- Decorating my Christmas trees (maybe not as many this year though)
- Hosting a cookie swap party and inviting some people we don’t often have over throughout the year, along with the regular suspects
- Taking the kids to a holiday movie
- Sending cards
- Finding just the right gist for the people I love

Because I truly do love this time of year there is not a lot of things I don’t like. If I had to pick something that made me feel a bit Grinch like it would have to be cleaning up the Christmas decorations post celebration and rushing to find gifts just to check a box. So maybe I will brainstorm some ways to avoid those things this year.

Overall I’m excited for the season and am looking forward to the smell of my Yankee Candles Sugar Cookie scented candle filling my house with delicious smells.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

140 fingers and toes...

I have a few days to myself because I am traveling for work. I compiled all my bills to input them into the Tyndall FCU online banking (a task I have been swearing to myself I would accomplish for well over two years) but I left them all on the TV stand (I think…hope.) So instead, I will blog.
Above are some of the pictures from Caroline’s birthday party. We had 7 girls over for making cupcakes, going to get their fingernails painted, and a bbq with family and friends. A few even spent the night. Caroline turned 10 and her friends are such fun little humans. Listening to them talk and play is a real treat… even if I have to remind her every once in a while not to be so bossy. I wonder where she gets that?

It is hard to believe I have had my girl child for 10 years already. Here are a few things you may or may not know about my Caroline…

- She falls asleep fast (unlike her brothers)
- She has two birds in her room (Bluebird and Lime)
- She likes to change clothes about three times a day
- She does well at school with very little effort
- She loves to paint, write, and draw
- She insists on someone singing “You are my Sunshine” at bedtime
- She eats when she feels like it
- She loves going to church
- She has my handwriting (so unfortunate)
- She talked me out of taking ballet this year (modern and hip hop instead)
- She is told she looks like her dad by everyone
- She likes shoes
- She is wicked funny
- She has been working in the nursery for over a year
- She loves attention
- She enjoys time at her grandparents sans brothers
- She rarely gets sick
- She is competitive
- She loves to tell you a story about her day
- She is counting down the years until she can get a cell phone
- She can run faster than everyone (even the boys) in her class
- She is a fan of all things girly
- She hates the seams in socks
- She likes her hair above her shoulders
- She has more purses than me
- She loves New York
- She likes getting mail
- She doesn’t play with dolls anymore
- She wants a full size bed
- She is in the 50th percentile for height
- She is in the 10th percentile for weight
- She doesn’t like “fluffy” jackets
- She has a good heart

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Sharp turn ahead

Most of the time transitions with kids seem to happen so slowly they are hard to notice. No hard shifting (like me looking for reverse in my Jeep.) It just kind of happens. You have a baby who becomes a toddler. Then a toddler who is a preschooler. A preschooler who becomes a school kid and then so on…riding on the bus, losing teeth, making friends. All of it just kinds of happens. You thinking potty training will be a big deal, but it’s not. Same with going from a bottle to a sippy cup. That’s what it was…until now.

Although it won’t be official for another few weeks I feel like I am now parenting a teenager. Conversation while going over the Hathaway bridge last night…
Jeremy: Would it be okay of I just said one cuss word a day?
Me: Jay, why would you say that?
Jeremy: Everyone at my school cusses, but me.
Me: Oh, hmm. Well, do you have a certain word in particular you want to use?
Jeremy: Yeah, all of them.
Well, we had a good conversation about cussing and fitting in and at the end he decided he was okay without adopting a new colorful vocabulary. But these little talks happen daily now. My game plan is to stay calm and have a poker face so he will still keep asking/telling me things.

Thanks to some advice from a couple friends I have also rethought how we are handle teenage attitude. I think the new plan will make the next few years a bit more bearable.

Picture is 100% unrelated...just want to share a picture of T-bone, our new pup.

Friday, September 17, 2010


You know, so many times it really is the “little things” that make my heart happy. I was killing time at Wallgreens this week while the kiddos were having their passport photos taken and decided to carefully inspect their coupon paper to see if I needed anything on sale. Well there was a coupon for buy one get one free razors and blades from Schick Quattro. Although I have been buying these overpriced blades for Jeff for years, I usually settle on whatever disposal razors are on sale…or better yet, whatever it at the checkout counter where I usually decide I need them. So because of the coupon (and the fact that I had worn pants to work three days in a row because of my scary legs) I decided to try them out. What a difference! I am now a believer and will never again return to the Target brand razors of the past. I swear the new razors made me happy for the entire evening and even thinking about it now makes me smile. As an aside, I got laundry detergent there for $2.99- a big 72 loads bottle, isn’t the crazy?

Now for some more randomness…

Caroline and Nick know a little girl who had small accident and needed some plastic surgery this week and this is a conversation between the two of them about it.

Caroline: Emily has to have plastic surgery.
Nick: What does that mean?
Caroline: It means an operation, you know like Michael Jackson.
Nick: You mean their making Emily black?

What in the world!? Nicholas says something daily that makes me laugh and how odd is it that the King of Pop is Caroline’s only frame of reference for “plastic surgery.”

Well the weekend is finally here and I couldn’t be any more excited. Jeff and the kids have stuff at church going on in the morning so I think I will attack some laundry, vacuum dog hair, and maybe frame some pictures I had printed a few weeks ago. One thing’s for sure…there will be sleeping in tomorrow!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Shoo Earl, don't bother me

I must be the world’s most inconsistent blogger…oh well, it is what it is.

Caroline, Mum, and I have just returned from a trip to New York and Massachusetts. The “reason” we went was for my cousins Tom’s wedding. As an aside, the last time I was there was when my cousin Lauren married her husband Tom and now I went back for her brother Tom to marry his wife Lauren. Isn’t that funny? I find it amusing.

Because Mum had not been to see Chris and Katy in NYC so we decided to fly there and hang out for a couple days and then drive to Boston for the wedding. In the beginning of the week there was a lot of talk about Hurricane Earl and I was pretty sure we picked the worst week ever to head to New England. But, Earl stayed clear and we were good to go.

We had a great time in the city and sometimes I think to myself, “you only live once, why wouldn’t you live in NYC?” I realize I still have a “dream like” idea about New York, but I can’t help but love it there. Once we got to Massachusetts we went to my Aunt Jan’s house and had the best time. I wish my kids would get along like her girls do…I don’t think they ever fight. Granted, they are now young adults, but even so they are amazing, smart, athletic girls who are just as pretty on the inside as they are on the outside. Caroline loved being around them…they make excellent role models.

My aunts make me laugh. They are some of my favorite people and I have the best memories of them from when I was younger. Their homes make me smile, maybe because they are a constant and I remember being there as a kid. My Mum is blessed to have sisters…I wish Caroline had a sister.

The air was cool and houses were old. The roads were winding and the accents were a hoot. I just love it there. I keep telling myself that the winters are cold and the college is pricey. I would live there…Jeff would too.
Above is a photo we took in Plymouth. We saw the Plymouth Rock and it was pretty anticlimactic…but even still it is an area that is incredible rich in history.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Pool party!

I got an email from my buddy Karen a couple weeks ago challenging me to do the end of summer pool party for the neighborhood kids so I could scratch it off my list. What a good influence she is…I love that girl.

So, right then I told the kids we were going to do it that Thursday. And if you know kids, that meant we were doing it. Caroline and Noelle made invitations and set out to invite the kiddos. I think it is worth mentioning that at the bottom of their invitation they wrote “no cussing allowed.” That was geared at one of Jay’s friends, but just to be safe they put it on all of them.

Unlike most parties I throw there was very little preplanning. I stopped by the store on my way home for chips, hot dogs, macaroni and cheese and a box of brownie. Jeff grilled out while I baked brownies and it was pretty low impact. There was a competition to see who could make the biggest splash, a whirlpool was created, Marco Polo was played, and of course there was one or two games of chicken with me screaming, “ not so close to the edge,” Nick’s buddies weren’t able to come by so he spent part of the night crying that he had no friends.

Overall, it was a fun evening and I hope one that the kids will remember…I may even be up for it next year. Now…what’s next on my list?

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Yippee for Saturday!

Saturdays rock. Especially Saturdays when we don’t have to rush out. Today I cleaned out my dresser and am on laundry load number four. May not sound that exciting, but it really is. We have an open house for Jay’s new school and a baby shower for Stephanie and Brian at 3:00….still need to figure out how to get to both places at once…still need to shower and it is almost noon.

After telling the kids about 5 times to stop playing on the stairs I decided to give up and grab my camera. I think I remember sledding down the same stairs with my brothers. This morning I asked Jeff about a cable cord in the corner of my living room. He said he thinks it belongs to my dad’s old satellite television. “Can I cut it?” Maybe you should check with Bub first was his answer. Is it strange that we have lived in this house for EIGHT YEARS and there are still things only Bub knows the answer too?
Kids start back to school in a couple days…need to make a Target run for supplies…bet there will be crowds today.

Productive week at work…getting ready to send our new magazine to the printers. I got a call Wednesday morning from my boss, he said, “grab a camera and head downstairs to the Men’s Room.” Okay. Turns out there was a coral snake in the bath room…yuck. As if that wasn’t enough wild life I spotted a bear crossing the highway on my way to work Friday morning. It was amazing. My first Tyndall bear spotting and I couldn’t believe it.
Yesterday was Jeff’s birthday and we had tacos with friends and family. It was a great night. Our friends are the best! The guys at “Old Mexico” make the dinner eventful and yummy. Jeff has decided that his next birthday will be a big deal…he will be 35. He is planning a year of physical and spiritual renewal that started with a trip to GNC and to join a health club first thing this morning. He is going to start working out with his friend Dustin and their goal is to become “beefcakes.” Who uses that work? I crack up every time I say it. I told Jeff I’m buying him the URL www.journeyto beefcake to journal the year. Ha!
Sorry about the randomness…

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Kids and summer...

On Tuesday I had an 8:00 meeting at work and was away from my office for about an hour. When I got back to my desk I noticed my cell phone had 12 missed calls…all from home. I apologized to my poor staff for having to endure my cell phone ringing 12 times and Sarah said she almost answered it because she was starting to worry someone was hurt. When I called Jeremy back I said, “Jay is everything okay?” Jeremy responded, “Yeah, I was wondering if I can have the Hot Pocket in the freezer for lunch.” WHAT??? He insisted he had only called once about the Hot Pocket and it must have been his sister who called 11 other times before leaving for drama.

It’s official Jeremy is going to Newpoint Academy for school next year and I am very excited about this opportunity for him. We are hoping that it will lead to some new learning experiences for him and it will help him prepare for high school and college. According to their website….”Newpoint provides a unique high school environment which emphasizes high academic achievement through the use of state-of-the-art technology and innovative but proven educational methods. We prepare students to successfully compete in an increasingly competitive post-secondary environment and the global job market.”

Only two weeks of summer left-this has been the fastest summer ever! I can hardly believe we are already shopping for uniforms and backpacks- homework is right around the corner.

All in all it has been a good summer. I’m working on being happy in the here and now, even if I don’t have a plan for a year, or two, or three from now. I have had to say farewell to three great friends this summer so that has been tough. It is amazing how you don’t realize how much space people take in your heart and life until they are gone and that space is a bit empty. Fortunately, life fills in around it quickly and it makes things easier. People make life better…maybe I should be more specific…GOOD people make life better.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Meet Porkchop...

I was raised in a "cat house" and never really learned to love dogs. In fact, I have had people tell me that there is something they don't trust about people who don't like dogs...but, that's me.

Jeff always had a dog growing up and because of that we have tried. The occurrences below I am not proud of, but hey, it is what it is...

First came Bentley. If you have spent much time in the Coleman house you will remember this miniature Schnauzer who spent most all his hours of the back porch...poor guy. Well Habitat Julie had a friend who had a miniature Schnauzer and wanted to give Bentley the home he deserved. They came for him one night late and right when they got their the kids woke up...busted in the panhandle. Goodbye Bentley.

Next came Oscar...a wiener dog...novel name, I know. Well Oscar snuck out one Saturday morning and was hit by a neighbor (local teacher to remain un-named.) It was horrible, very upsetting. Poor Oscar, only 5 months old.

Jack was the next victim...I mean attempt at door ownerness for us. Jeff bought Jack while I was in the middle of remodeling my kitchen and did not have the where-with-all to object. Loser. Jack is a great dog, but we were not great dog owners. I have said that I have taught three things not to pee on the floor, I'm not potty training anything else as long as I live. After Jack's fate started looking like Bentley's I made a command decision and gave him to my in-law's. Jeff thought I was joking...I wasn't. They love him! He is a perfectly trained pup and the kids get to see him all the time.

Fast forward several years...I was cruising Craigslist (greatest site ever) when I found an English Bulldog. Jeff has wanted a dog so bad and I couldn't resist. Call it temporary insanity. I decided to surprise him with Porkchop...I know, that was the name he came with. Pokchop was a year old when he came to us and he was trained well by someone else. All the bad habits he has now came from us...for sure. Right from the start he fit right into our house. Some people say that he even "looks" like he belongs in our house. Well, Porkchop is messy and he snores. He is so ugly he is cute...and I love him. He is the first dog I have ever loved.

The picture above is him in front of the television this weekend barking at the dog on Animal Planet...okay, maybe he isn't brilliant.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

It's 6:45 on the 4th of July and it feels strange to be home. But yesterday we barbecued and saw fireworks and then barbecued and played in the lake today so we have fulfilled all of the required 4ht fun for the year. And it really was fun. The 4th of July is a great holiday without holiday stress...plus a Monday off which is stellar.

I spent several hours shopping with Brandi yesterday for her house. I'm redoing her living room and I think she is a little scared. She loves solids....black and white for the most part. I can see the finished room in my mind and she can't...hence the nerves. I'll post pictures when it is done.

Nick learned to water ski today...wish I had a picture...so sad. He was a natural, up on the first try. He skied about 7 times and loved it. It helped that he was weighs 53 pounds and so he can practically walk on the water. I was so proud...I bet he will be a pro by the end of the summer.

Now we are watching "Grease"- a movie I could watch weekly. Do you think Olivia Newton John is one of the most adorable people ever? I do. I guess you could say I am hopelessly devoted to this movie.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

The awesomest....

Nick played his first basketball game last night he almost bounced from one side of the court to the other because he was so excited. I'm not sure we have a future NBA player on our hands, but I think he will really enjoy playing this summer.

So I have a Nick story for you. Unfortunately it is not first hand because it was told to my mum while I was in Texas last week. But, it goes something like this...

Nick: Wanna see the awesomest kid in my class? (he had his yearbook)
Nana: I thought you were the awesomest kid in your class.
Nick: No, I'm the second awesomest. This is Riley, he's the first awesomest.

Silly boy.

This picture was taken a couple weeks ago in the church parking lot. He was amazed at this giant truck so Jeff took a picture for him.

He stepped on a bee today and was stung on the foot. He's pretty excited to tell that story, although he has a hard time remembering which foot when he wants to show it to you. Summer fun.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

I heart words...

Today I was reading an issue of “Chief Marketer” (I know, sophisticated reading for a girl who usually sticks to People, Glamour, and Country Living) when I stumbled upon a word I have never heard or seen before. The word was “kerfuffle” and the sentence read something like “Consumer kerfuffle aside, online merchants…” Kerfuffle? Hmmm…had this been 10 years ago I would have pulled out my trusty dictionary to look that puppy up. But instead, I Googled “Merriam Webster” and quickly found my answer…

Main Entry: ker·fuf·fle
Pronunciation: \kər-ˈfə-fəl\
Function: noun
Etymology: alteration of carfuffle, from Scots car- (probably from Scottish Gaelic cearr wrong, awkward) + fuffle to become disheveled
Date: 1946
chiefly British : disturbance, fuss

No wonder I was so drawn to the word…it is “chiefly British” and I LOVE all things “chiefly British.” Chiefly British cars, chiefly British accents, chiefly British movies, chiefly British books, chiefly British Hugh Grant. Okay, maybe not chiefly British oil companies…but, you get the point.

I had so much fun sharing my new word that I decided I will learn (or at least skim) a new word every day. I have signed up for the “word a day” online and so each morning a shiny new word will be waiting in my inbox. Don’t worry…if I find a good one I will share.

Monday, June 7, 2010

The week of my birthday I made a list (I love a list) of 32 things to do before I turn 33. I have kept the list to myself until now. Today I got an email from my good friend Karen and she had made her own list (a bit deeper than mine however.) So, I thought why not put my list out into the world...maybe I'll be more apt to work towards completing it. Here it is in all its randomness...

1. Lose 20 pounds (original I know)

2. Exercise more (see #1)

3. Learn about plants, flowers, grass…go green’ish

4. Spend a whole day with just my Mum

5. Spend more time with friends at home

6. Do something for the church (outside of regular stuff I already do)

7. Read at least 3 legitimate classic literature books (less chic lit)

8. Teach kids how to do laundry

9. Get a physical

10. Read at least 3 work related books

11. Take the kids to do something charitable

12. Clean/organize the garage for Jeff

13. Start recycling

14. Plan a Princess Bride party

15. Take a golf lesson

16. Learn to cook fish

17. Organize the “cat room”

18. Make photo books from past trips

19. Finish Nick’s quilt I started

20. Plan ahead for Christmas gifts

21. Learn how to reupholster a chair

22. Learn how to make spaghetti carbonara

23. Update my Linkedin account

24. See a movie with Jeff where lots of things get blown up

25. Organize the laundry room

26. Paint a picture with Caroline

27. Help Nick write a book

28. Take Jeremy on a date

29. Go to the beach

30. Plan a better morning routine

31. Take the kids bowling

32. Host a summertime party for the neighborhood kids

Sunday, June 6, 2010

A little bit of crazy...

This time of year I always start having the craziest of thoughts. A thought so crazy, so absurd, so odd and not like me at all.

I think of all the positive things…the time off, the time off, on and did I mention the time of off. If I were to take the plunge and do this crazy and wild thing I would right now be preparing for nine weeks of freedom and fun.

That’s right…I am talking about teaching. Every summer it seems that everyone is off but me. I hate it!

Now, I know myself enough to know that teaching isn’t the answer…being independently wealthy is. Ha! I think that if I was with kids (big or little) all day I would not be able to muster up the energy to be nice to my own every night. And the truth is that with 9-12 weeks off I would probably lose my mind or end up adding a room to my house…neither a good idea.

So I guess I am not destined for summers. But, maybe I can squeeze in a few long weekends.

Monday, May 31, 2010

Kicked that goals butt...or did it kick mine.

In March, Jeff and I set out to redo the backyard after Joe commented that it looked like "a crime scene from a scary movie." We set the goal of completing it before Memorial Day and we did. To add even more fuel to the fire, I planned Tara's going away party for this weekend to ensure I'd have it done. I have spent every minute the last 9 days planning and working on this party so although it was fun I am glad to see it pass. We were able to spend time with family...Chris and Katy are in town. Mark and Stephanie were also here with their kiddos for four nights and it was a blast to have them.

The party was full of candlelight, yummy desserts, fresh flowers, mason jars, and laughing. There were a lot more teenage kiddos there than I thought there would be so the truth was it could have been hosted at CiCi's Pizza and it wouldn't have mattered to them. But, it was a great practice run for all of the summer fun we plan to have the next few months.

I have been chilling out this afternoon and have a plan for 100 days of summer organizing. Jeff just caught me making the list and it is further confirmation that I am nuts. More to come soon...in the meantime, enjoy the party pics.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

The only person who likes change is...

The only person who like change is a wet baby. And me apparently.

I haven't blogged in a while and even though I am really not in the mood, I thought a few quick thoughts were in order...please excuse the randomness.

-Nick just lost his second tooth...his first one was last weekend and the tooth fairy had no change so he got $20. The big kids were outraged.

-Backyard is done'ish...wicked tired, my whole body hurts still, but it was worth it. Met Skip from Willing Workers who spent the day with us last week in the yard. He was a great help and seemed like a good guy who just needs to get going in the right direction.

-Work is work. Still good, but little things are bothering me and they didn't use to. Cynicism setting in? Leading cause of government employees turning into crap employees. Can't let that happen.

- Living room done. I love it. Bad timing. "I think I'm losing my mind this time, this time I'm losing my mind." Beautful.Color. Grandma'ish. Birds. Blue. Brown. Old.

-Company for the next 4 days...

-Tired of questions. Wish the "shift" key on my laptop wasn't broken....ugh.

-Tara leaving in two weeks. I'm sad and can't think about it without tearing up...oh no, It's happening now.

-Confused. Tired. Need to learn to rest. It is a joke in my house that I can't sit still...not funny anymore. Except for in my tub...my happy place.

-Have a idea. I love it! learning about something new. Passionate. Probably not a great idea, but I still love it.

-Craving different. Change. Different. Need to just be...all is well, really.

I think I may actually feel a little better. That was worth it.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Note to self...literally

If I ever discover a time machine here is the letter I would bring to "past me..."

Dear Self,

On Tuesday you will come up with a great idea to repaint your perfectly fine living room. You will convince Jeff to start this project...but know this...he will abandon you in the process. Starting Wednesday night you will spend every spare minute in this painting hell. In two to three hour increments you will complete not one, not two, but three coats of paint over a FIVE day period. But it doesn't stop there. All of the trim will look like ka-ka so you will then have to repaint all of the trim...twice. But you will discover that the joker who painted the trim before you used an oil based paint, so your enamel paint will chip...ah!!!

You will start out thinking that you will just start this living room redo with the paint and then leisurely finish it throughout the summer. What you failed to remember is that you are crazy...and you do nothing at a leisurely pace. Therefore, you will hurriedly start sewing curtains. repainting furniture, ordering new fabric, making pillows, and feverishly rearrange furniture...really? Is any of this necessary? No. Future self is here to tell you don't do it! Finish the other 4 projects you have started, wash some laundry, and take a freaking nap instead...dummy!

You've been warned,

Wednesday, May 12, 2010


I am thankful for my job. I love the work, the Air Force, the people (most of them), and overall if you have to go somewhere everyday, it is a good place to go. This week however has not been fun. I made a mistake...opps...that is causing some stress in my work world. I have to remind myself that it is just work and move on while trying not to become grumpy or cynical.

So last night I convinced Jeff to paint my living room for me today...or at least start. This is no fun project with the five window, molding, fireplace, and doorway...a trip to the dentist would be more fun. But, he agreed after a little negotiating. I get home from work today and as I start to get settled in I realize EVERY room in my house is a wreck!! I don't mean a little untidy...I also don't mean an episode of "Hoarders" bad. But, bad enough that if someone dropped by I wouldn't let them in the door. WHY...Why did I insist I start this living room now? I've lost my senses and all though I have not said it out loud...Jeff was right. There was nothing at all wrong with this room. So, I have a mess. But, here is the crazy part. This mess is making me smile. Instead of going to church (I know, I know) I changed into the world's greatest painting pants (which were cut off to painting shorts about a year ago) and grabbed a roller. In a few hours I was able to get a good first coat done on most of the room and prep the windows. I then started sewing the curtains that I have had sitting in the office for over a month, A quick clean up of the kitchen and a load of laundry and I am wired!! I honestly just considered hauling furniture out into the yard to paint...then I remembered my Wagner is busted...darn it. But, I feel better, I really do. I think maybe the anticipation of change is exciting. I can picture it in my mind. Yippee!

Above is the picture of my wreck of a living room. Sorry about the crappy picture, my real camera is broken. The furniture in the middle...the walls half painted...Caroline's Zebra chair in the room from the weekend. Oh my...I think I need a day off.

Monday, May 10, 2010

For the first time this year we grilled out and have started enjoying our new backyard. Thanks to a "new to us" grill from my dad (he feels the need to replace his every third year...we feel the need to take the slightly older, still in great shape hand me downs) we had delicious cheeseburgers. The kids played kickball in the new grass (thank you Jesus) and I hung out on my gigantic bench while Jeff grilled.

Nick announced that he won two first place ribbons in field day today and Jeremy retold the story of how a few years ago he fell during the hula hoop race and lost it for the whole class. We laughed.

Porkchop spent dinner under the table hoping someone would drop something and Jeff and I did some math on how much sod would be needed to fill in the "I refuse to grow grass" holes that are in the yard.

During kickball after dinner the kids took turns "accidentally" falling in the pool they were not to go it...aw shucks. Speaking off accidents, it looks like Jeff's new watch "accidently" got in one of the pictures.
I wish I could spend the rest of the night chilling out and reading my new "People Style," but Jay has a trombone lesson in 11 minutes. I know music practice at 7:30 p.m...yuck!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Hmmm...a little randomness

Caroline bought a bird on Sunday and she named him "Lime." She has been attending puppy training every Sunday afternoon with Jayne and Dudley. Each week she calls from the pet shop crying and begging for a hamster. A hamster! Whatever. Here are the reasons we will never have a furry little hamster friend...

1) Hamsters are rodents in my book and it is not happening.

2) They get out and roam your house for day...ugh!

3) Porkchop would eat it. I really think so.

So instead, I agreed on a bird. So far, so good. In fact, I don't think Porkchop has even realized there is something alive in the cage.

A bird...how random is that? Here are a few other random words to describe this week...

yard work
sore back
teal dress
Girls Night Out
chocolate please
new watch
rental taxes
new idea

the list goes on and on...but, I don't. I need a bubble bath. Did I mention we think Lime is lonely? Care is going to get him a friend tomorrow. She decided the new bird needs to blue and she is going to name in Sky.

Saturday, May 1, 2010


I have been told before that I wear a lot of "color." Okay...I'm not sure if that was meant to be nice or not. But, I have made a new discovery this spring. I think it may be possible that yellow has super powers. I have a new love for all things yellow...especially when paired with navy blue...love it! A week ago I wore a hand me down yellow dress (thanks Tara) on Friday to work. I must have had10 people make comments on this simple yellow sun dress that most likely cost $12 and came from Ross. But, I felt like throughout the day I had an extra little bounce in my step and for that I am crediting the yellow.

A couple months ago I bought some yellow shoes, mostly because the were peep toe, sling back wedges that also had...wait for it...ruffles. Ruffles being my other new fascination right now. Well after I bought them I got my new tattoo and was not sure that the brightly colored shoes and the brightly colored art were a match. So they have sat in my closet, tags still on, taunting me each morning. When I was getting dressed this Wednesday morning a buttoning my yellow and white cardigan I decided I would give these new shoes a try. I was out and about for work a lot that day (and squeezed in some thrift store furniture shopping on my way home) and every where I went someone commented on the yellow shoes. Proving again that yellow has the power to make people smile. If you too are interested in these shoes you can find them at payless.com...click here and I think it will bring you there. By the way, they are doing BOGO now and were not when I bought mine...so I would recommend also picking them up in brown.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Karen and Sharon's

So last week Tara and I had a WHOLE day together...no kiddos, or anything. We decided to stroll up Hwy 98 in search of some non-patio patio furniture for my new back yard redo. We were also in search of any other fun, vintage, cheap finds that would make us giggle.

In the past we have had great luck at Scavengers in Rose Mary Beach (found my bathroom vanities there.) Sure enough I found a table that reminded me of a farm table (my requirement) and was sturdy enough to sit 6 people around (Jeff's requirement.) Some previous owner had decided it needed the three panels in green, yellow, and pink...not good.

There were major shenanigans getting the table in the car and we ended up stealing a bungee cord from the butt head shop owner who was useless. Anyway, after I paid for the table I asked the butt head if there were any thrift store or junk shop where I could find some cheap chairs. He pointed down the street and told me I go try "Karen and Sharon's" which was right down the street at the next light. We took off for the shop and couldn't find it anywhere. We pulled over and asked another guy who gave us directions, but in the other direction. Still no luck, so we pressed on to Beinvue... another fav place. On the way out we asked the guy if he knew how to get "Karen and Sharon's"..."you mean like the thrift store Caring and Sharing?" Ha! We are a ding dongs! We laughed so hard we snorted all the way to lunch. Caring and Sharing... makes perfect sense.

These totally girly days will not be commonplace after Tara moves in six week and it bites. I am planning a wicked fun party for her going away and we have about 4 projects she has to help me with before she leaves. The pic above is what I think her party will "feel like." Have a I mentioned I LOVE to throw a party? Just ask my staff at work. I'm going to start early so it will be stress free.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Spring is in the air

There is something about the warm weather that makes me want to take the curtains off the windows, change rugs, cover my furniture and act like I am at my beach house. A quick trip to JoAnne's tonight landed some new fabric, ribbon, and foam for the chair that has been sitting unfinished in my living room. I think a few changes will add some new life to the living room. Did I mention that Tara can't leave the state of Florida until she sews a new slipcover for my couch. How do you think Porkchop will do with the new white slipcover...I've lost my senses.

Below are a few rooms that are inspiring me right now...enjoy.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

This old house.

Recent conversation with Jeffrey Alan...
Me: All I want is an old house.
Jeff: Your house is old and getting older every day.

I don't think that is funny.

If you know me, you know I love old things...old houses, old fabric, old furniture, and other random old things. In fact, there is very little in my house that was bought "new." Don't get me wrong, I don't have "antiques" because I don't have the budget. But, I love junk.

The desire of my heart is to own a home built between 1920 and 1940. I love the character and the charm...I wouldn't even mind losing a few hundred square feet to do it. But, now is not the time to sell and people keep reminding me that as the kids keep getting bigger I will appreciate my space. Probably true. Jeff says when the kids graduate I can have my very own cottage...just a few short years. In the meantime I will continue cruising the MLS and conducting the occasional B&E (breaking and entry) on old houses in the area and day dream. On Friday I was able to spend the day in Eufula with Mum, Ora, and Elisa adoring homes. Now, I realize that technically I live in the south. But, Eufala is like the quintessential southern town. The people, accents, restaurants, and streets are so charming. How did Panama City so entirely miss the boat on charming?

Here are some pics of Eufala...the town that puts the "Southern" in "Southern Belle."

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

All you ever say is "no."

I'm home from work and I am spent like the rent. Nick is mad and let me know that all I ever say is "no."

Nick: Can we got to Wallgreens?
Me: No

Nick: Can I sign up for this website?
Me: No

Nick: Can I beat on this drum Uncle Joe bought me right here next to your head?
Me: No (thanks Joe)

Maybe tonight all I have is a bag full of "no." He got mad, got spanked, got sent to his room, and then pouted. He definitely didn't appreciate me sneaking up on him to get this stinky Nick pic.

Dinner, baths, and bed...that would be my plan, but the kids are on Spring Break so this evening won't quiet down as soon as I would like. I think I could use a time out.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Coordinating kids make me happy. Really happy. In fact, I'm considering make them match every Sunday this summer. What do you think? I only make the boys dress alike one day a year- Easter. And they really are pretty good sports about it. Although, when getting out of the car at church I heard Jay say to Nick " just make sure you stay at least 20 yards away from me at all times and no one will know." I think he said it more because he thinks he should care more than he really does...does that make sense? Yeah, clear as mud I'm sure. Nicholas still thinks it is pretty cool to match his brother.

I love Easter. It is like all the fun of Christmas, but without the stress. It is quickly becoming my favorite holiday. Next year I plan on going all Martha Stewart on the holiday and make some from scratch and dye designer eggs...a girl can dream can't she. These are pictures from this Easter and last Easter. Does anyone look like they have gotten any bigger this year? Maybe a smidge.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

New friends, old friends, my friends.

It's Easter. What a beautiful day. I am thankful for a risen Savior. I am thankful to live in the time and place I live. And I am thankful for my friends.

Today I was able to spend time with some of my favorite ladies.

This Easter marks 10 years ago I met Ora and Mike. Even thought they spent a few of those years in Texas they made their way back to Tyndall Air Force Base and us! Ora is one of the most genuine people I know and being her friend makes me want to be better. I love that about her. There are things I want to for her so horribly it is as if I want them for myself.

My new friend Brandi is a joy to me! Her funny southern accent makes me giggle and I love her family. Her kids are becoming a part of our family and we are blessed to have such great new friends. I feel like she has been placed in my life right now for a reason and I am anxious to start figuring out what that is. I look forward to many, many more fun weekend shenanigans with them.

Tara. Tamafreaka. Tamareaka long toes. My partner in crime for redecorating when Jeff is out of town, shopping, and doing just about anything. She is moving in a just a few short months and I am doing my best to not think about it right now. Am I in denial? Okay, maybe a little bit. Who will I call when I have a burning desire to visit Target at nine at night? Who will I talk into sewing for curtains for me when I can't sew straight? Who will paint and repaint my house with no compalining (actually, she does complain.)Who will make fun of my horrible driving? I'm not prepared to talk about this right now...so enough about that.

Last but not least, my Mum! Although I don't tell her or show her near enough she is really is the reason I am who I am. She is also the reason my kids get to skip school. My Mum says she was to "liberal" in our rearing. I hope she doesn't think of that as a mistake. I couldn't have asked for a better childhood. I was taken care and loved. I was taught to be creative and laugh. I was taught to love God and be kind. Maybe I didn't have to wake up early to milk cows or anything of the sort. But, I was taught to be responsible. I love my Mum for making me feel like I was special and far more talented than I actually am.

I hope Caroline grows up to have beautiful, smart, and caring girlfriends who are part of her life...there is nothing like it!

Friday, March 26, 2010

Jay bird, Jay bird on my shoulder.

Jeremy Scott is on his first weekend youth trip and it has really caused me to pause. In November he will be 13 years old...a teenager. Besides the fact that it feels impossible that I would be the parent of a teenager it freaks me out. I am suddenly feeling like the time we have left to get him ready for the world is speeding by. A few weeks ago we were changing sheets on the beds and we had this conversation...

Jay: Come on...I need help
Me: Jeremy you are 12 you should be able to change bedsheets
Jay: Buttttt.....I can'tttttt
Me: What happens when you go to college? Who will change your sheets then?
Jay: My roommate, I'll pay him 5 bucks.


When Jay was turning one I made a list of things I love about him. That was a good number of years ago so I think it is time for another one. I know at the top of the list is his sense of humor. He is quick witted and his humor reminds me of a mix of Joe and Chris' humor. He says the smartest things and has always understood more than you think. But, at the same time I feel like he is pretty naive for a middle schooler. He comes home asking me about things that are surprising...but, at least he's asking. Jeremy reads people and always have even when he was a preschooler. His favorite person is his Nana. His favorite line right now is "you never want to talk about this now...." and even though he's big he gets angry if you do not take the time to tuck him in at night.

I wish I could peek into the future to see what he will be. But, whatever his future hold will be good things.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Home sweet home

We got home from our trip on Sunday night and we had a great time. Unfortunately I am not feeling good...a cold, sore throat, general crappyness. So random thoughts...

Here are a couple pictures in the "Old Town" area of San Juan, Puerto Rico.

I love the colors, the cobblestone streets, the people, the history, the statues.

It was hot. Wicked hot. I would like to go there and spend more time someday.

Kids were happy and healthy when we got home- thank God for grandparents.

Didn't get to read as much as I wanted...week flew by.

Loved being with my brothers. Laughed and laughed and laughed. They are my favorite people.

Blessed to have a sister in law I love. She makes me think...I like it.

Back to work...glad to have a job I'm happy to get back to...even if I am tired. People make all the difference.

Jeff took a staged picture of Joe on the beach in St. Thomas. Joe, "this can be my profile pic for e-Harmony." PAUSE. "...chances are I'll meet an Asian girl...you know, according to the commercials." ...Maybe you had to be there.

Had a tour guy named Pepper. What a great person. An entrepreneur who makes the most out of his opportunities...I admire that.

Missed my friends.

Feeling thankful...even through the sneezes.

It is great to see the world...I want to see more. But, great to be home.

So much to do.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Pack it up, pack it in, let us begin.

Vacation time! Pre-vacation days just bite. Although the kids are not coming, we still have to pack 5 suitcases since they will be staying with grandparent. The best part of the "adult only" annual trip is the quality time I get to spend with my little brothers. I am looking forward to lots of laughing over inappropriate dinner conversations, daily adventures where we act like we crunchy nature loving folks, and time to relax and read. My head has been fuzzy lately and I have a few things I am hoping to sort out in my head while I'm gone so I am looking forward to some time away from real life. I think the best part of traveling is being able to pause and examine your "stuff."

It keeps feeling like I am forgetting something...
Power of Attorneys- check
New flip flops- check
Sunblock- check
4 new magazines-check, check, check, and check
Porkchop visiting friends-check

Looks like the only thing I forgot was to pick up a new travel iron...looks like a quick trip to Walmart in the morning.

And look, suitcase mostly packed by 10 p.m.- maybe a new record for me. Yes, I paired it down to 5 pairs of shoes (plus the pair I'm wearing on the plan.) Hey, are you looking at my polka dotted panties?

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

First thing this morning.

This morning Caroline was especially excited to go to school because it is FCAT day...I know she's a strange child. Well, every morning holds a little drama when you are Caroline Elizabeth and most of the time it involves footwear. Here is a conversation we had this morning about her socks...

Caroline: This part hurts my toooooooooes.
Me: Caroline, that's a seam. All socks have seams.
Caroline: But they hurttttttttt.
Me: Well, maybe someday you will grow up and move deep into the jungle where you can train monkeys and run around barefoot for the rest of your life.
Caroline: Or I can just not wear socks.

Well played sir.

The picture above was from this morning once she finally got her shoes on. Take note that my child wears a uniform to school...hard to tell isn't it? Whether it is a polka dot belt, large flower in her hair, or crazy shoes, she finds a way to make the uniform work for her.

My drama queen...BIG things in her future.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Spring, where are you?

This weekend we got a sneak peak of Spring and now I am hooked. Being outside, roaming jacket free, and working in the backyard was made possible by the sunshine and a refreshing 60 degrees. With the news that cold and rain is returning I am feeling a little blue. But, the truth of the matter is in no time at all it will be wicked hot and we will be complaining about the heat.

Too hot, too cold, too wet, too dry...maybe being happy with what is going on right now is the way to be. Nick is the perfect example of someone who is happy regardless. On days I say, "stay in, it's chilly" he says, "I'll wear a coat." On days it's too hot he grabs a Popsicle on the way out there door. Since Nick was a baby people have asked if he is always smiling and the answer is yes...unless he is being beaten or harassed by his brother and sister. His smile is contagious, a face you can't help but kiss. I am smitten with that boy.

Lesson for the day...not to sound uber-cliche but, learning to bundle when it's cold and enjoy a lemonade when it's steamy would probably make you happy enough to climb a tree. Have I mentioned that kid has the greatest face in the history of faces?

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Make a wish.

Well today is my birthday and although I started the day a little grumpy about getting older, I can honestly say my attitude has improved throughout the day.
From the minute I woke up my cell has been signaling me each time someone posted on the Facebook page. The day had been filled of birthday wishes from friends and family far and near, young and old. With each simple "happy birthday" I am reminded of a happy moment or event with each of these people. How blessed I am to have had thirty-two years full of relationships with people who I love. This day has reminded me to take extra time to reach out to people and use my free time to share with others.

Since it is Wednesday Jeff and the little kids have been at church this evening. But, I did have a surprise when I got home. Brand new white fluffy towels. I guess to some this may be lame, but it is exactly what I wanted! White towels make me feel like I am on vacation. It is a little thing that makes me smile. Did I mention there was also chocolate?

Lesson for today...being a year older isn't so bad. I'm not sure I am necessarily a year wiser, but I have had another 365 days of laughing.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Junk in the truck.

I have decided that my blog will include photo journaling things in my world. I apologize for the crappy photo in this post, but this occurrence happened while I was armed with only my cell phone camera and my good camera sat on the kitchen table.

Due to the need to haul some large amount of stuff last week I cleaned out the trunk of my car which is typically filled with jackets, beach buckets, kids sport stuff, several pair of shoes belonging to Caroline, a blanket, books, and other junk. Although I am now sporting a laundry basket with a wide array of objects, I have been enjoying my new space. Today when I left Super Walmart I was able to simply place by bags in the back rather than position them around other items like a wonky jigsaw puzzle. And this brought me much joy. I'm not kidding. Enough joy that I felt it necessary to snap this awkward picture using only the streetlight two lanes away.

Even though the trunk is still covered in wood chips, I felt like there was a valuable lesson to be learned here. Look how great it feels when things are in there place. Baby steps...

Don't judge the frozen pizza...it's Kashi.