Friday, March 26, 2010

Jay bird, Jay bird on my shoulder.

Jeremy Scott is on his first weekend youth trip and it has really caused me to pause. In November he will be 13 years old...a teenager. Besides the fact that it feels impossible that I would be the parent of a teenager it freaks me out. I am suddenly feeling like the time we have left to get him ready for the world is speeding by. A few weeks ago we were changing sheets on the beds and we had this conversation...

Jay: Come on...I need help
Me: Jeremy you are 12 you should be able to change bedsheets
Jay: Buttttt.....I can'tttttt
Me: What happens when you go to college? Who will change your sheets then?
Jay: My roommate, I'll pay him 5 bucks.


When Jay was turning one I made a list of things I love about him. That was a good number of years ago so I think it is time for another one. I know at the top of the list is his sense of humor. He is quick witted and his humor reminds me of a mix of Joe and Chris' humor. He says the smartest things and has always understood more than you think. But, at the same time I feel like he is pretty naive for a middle schooler. He comes home asking me about things that are surprising...but, at least he's asking. Jeremy reads people and always have even when he was a preschooler. His favorite person is his Nana. His favorite line right now is "you never want to talk about this now...." and even though he's big he gets angry if you do not take the time to tuck him in at night.

I wish I could peek into the future to see what he will be. But, whatever his future hold will be good things.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Home sweet home

We got home from our trip on Sunday night and we had a great time. Unfortunately I am not feeling good...a cold, sore throat, general crappyness. So random thoughts...

Here are a couple pictures in the "Old Town" area of San Juan, Puerto Rico.

I love the colors, the cobblestone streets, the people, the history, the statues.

It was hot. Wicked hot. I would like to go there and spend more time someday.

Kids were happy and healthy when we got home- thank God for grandparents.

Didn't get to read as much as I wanted...week flew by.

Loved being with my brothers. Laughed and laughed and laughed. They are my favorite people.

Blessed to have a sister in law I love. She makes me think...I like it.

Back to work...glad to have a job I'm happy to get back to...even if I am tired. People make all the difference.

Jeff took a staged picture of Joe on the beach in St. Thomas. Joe, "this can be my profile pic for e-Harmony." PAUSE. "...chances are I'll meet an Asian know, according to the commercials." ...Maybe you had to be there.

Had a tour guy named Pepper. What a great person. An entrepreneur who makes the most out of his opportunities...I admire that.

Missed my friends.

Feeling thankful...even through the sneezes.

It is great to see the world...I want to see more. But, great to be home.

So much to do.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Pack it up, pack it in, let us begin.

Vacation time! Pre-vacation days just bite. Although the kids are not coming, we still have to pack 5 suitcases since they will be staying with grandparent. The best part of the "adult only" annual trip is the quality time I get to spend with my little brothers. I am looking forward to lots of laughing over inappropriate dinner conversations, daily adventures where we act like we crunchy nature loving folks, and time to relax and read. My head has been fuzzy lately and I have a few things I am hoping to sort out in my head while I'm gone so I am looking forward to some time away from real life. I think the best part of traveling is being able to pause and examine your "stuff."

It keeps feeling like I am forgetting something...
Power of Attorneys- check
New flip flops- check
Sunblock- check
4 new magazines-check, check, check, and check
Porkchop visiting friends-check

Looks like the only thing I forgot was to pick up a new travel iron...looks like a quick trip to Walmart in the morning.

And look, suitcase mostly packed by 10 p.m.- maybe a new record for me. Yes, I paired it down to 5 pairs of shoes (plus the pair I'm wearing on the plan.) Hey, are you looking at my polka dotted panties?

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

First thing this morning.

This morning Caroline was especially excited to go to school because it is FCAT day...I know she's a strange child. Well, every morning holds a little drama when you are Caroline Elizabeth and most of the time it involves footwear. Here is a conversation we had this morning about her socks...

Caroline: This part hurts my toooooooooes.
Me: Caroline, that's a seam. All socks have seams.
Caroline: But they hurttttttttt.
Me: Well, maybe someday you will grow up and move deep into the jungle where you can train monkeys and run around barefoot for the rest of your life.
Caroline: Or I can just not wear socks.

Well played sir.

The picture above was from this morning once she finally got her shoes on. Take note that my child wears a uniform to school...hard to tell isn't it? Whether it is a polka dot belt, large flower in her hair, or crazy shoes, she finds a way to make the uniform work for her.

My drama queen...BIG things in her future.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Spring, where are you?

This weekend we got a sneak peak of Spring and now I am hooked. Being outside, roaming jacket free, and working in the backyard was made possible by the sunshine and a refreshing 60 degrees. With the news that cold and rain is returning I am feeling a little blue. But, the truth of the matter is in no time at all it will be wicked hot and we will be complaining about the heat.

Too hot, too cold, too wet, too dry...maybe being happy with what is going on right now is the way to be. Nick is the perfect example of someone who is happy regardless. On days I say, "stay in, it's chilly" he says, "I'll wear a coat." On days it's too hot he grabs a Popsicle on the way out there door. Since Nick was a baby people have asked if he is always smiling and the answer is yes...unless he is being beaten or harassed by his brother and sister. His smile is contagious, a face you can't help but kiss. I am smitten with that boy.

Lesson for the day...not to sound uber-cliche but, learning to bundle when it's cold and enjoy a lemonade when it's steamy would probably make you happy enough to climb a tree. Have I mentioned that kid has the greatest face in the history of faces?

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Make a wish.

Well today is my birthday and although I started the day a little grumpy about getting older, I can honestly say my attitude has improved throughout the day.
From the minute I woke up my cell has been signaling me each time someone posted on the Facebook page. The day had been filled of birthday wishes from friends and family far and near, young and old. With each simple "happy birthday" I am reminded of a happy moment or event with each of these people. How blessed I am to have had thirty-two years full of relationships with people who I love. This day has reminded me to take extra time to reach out to people and use my free time to share with others.

Since it is Wednesday Jeff and the little kids have been at church this evening. But, I did have a surprise when I got home. Brand new white fluffy towels. I guess to some this may be lame, but it is exactly what I wanted! White towels make me feel like I am on vacation. It is a little thing that makes me smile. Did I mention there was also chocolate?

Lesson for today...being a year older isn't so bad. I'm not sure I am necessarily a year wiser, but I have had another 365 days of laughing.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Junk in the truck.

I have decided that my blog will include photo journaling things in my world. I apologize for the crappy photo in this post, but this occurrence happened while I was armed with only my cell phone camera and my good camera sat on the kitchen table.

Due to the need to haul some large amount of stuff last week I cleaned out the trunk of my car which is typically filled with jackets, beach buckets, kids sport stuff, several pair of shoes belonging to Caroline, a blanket, books, and other junk. Although I am now sporting a laundry basket with a wide array of objects, I have been enjoying my new space. Today when I left Super Walmart I was able to simply place by bags in the back rather than position them around other items like a wonky jigsaw puzzle. And this brought me much joy. I'm not kidding. Enough joy that I felt it necessary to snap this awkward picture using only the streetlight two lanes away.

Even though the trunk is still covered in wood chips, I felt like there was a valuable lesson to be learned here. Look how great it feels when things are in there place. Baby steps...

Don't judge the frozen's Kashi.