Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Pool party!

I got an email from my buddy Karen a couple weeks ago challenging me to do the end of summer pool party for the neighborhood kids so I could scratch it off my list. What a good influence she is…I love that girl.

So, right then I told the kids we were going to do it that Thursday. And if you know kids, that meant we were doing it. Caroline and Noelle made invitations and set out to invite the kiddos. I think it is worth mentioning that at the bottom of their invitation they wrote “no cussing allowed.” That was geared at one of Jay’s friends, but just to be safe they put it on all of them.

Unlike most parties I throw there was very little preplanning. I stopped by the store on my way home for chips, hot dogs, macaroni and cheese and a box of brownie. Jeff grilled out while I baked brownies and it was pretty low impact. There was a competition to see who could make the biggest splash, a whirlpool was created, Marco Polo was played, and of course there was one or two games of chicken with me screaming, “ not so close to the edge,” Nick’s buddies weren’t able to come by so he spent part of the night crying that he had no friends.

Overall, it was a fun evening and I hope one that the kids will remember…I may even be up for it next year. Now…what’s next on my list?

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Yippee for Saturday!

Saturdays rock. Especially Saturdays when we don’t have to rush out. Today I cleaned out my dresser and am on laundry load number four. May not sound that exciting, but it really is. We have an open house for Jay’s new school and a baby shower for Stephanie and Brian at 3:00….still need to figure out how to get to both places at once…still need to shower and it is almost noon.

After telling the kids about 5 times to stop playing on the stairs I decided to give up and grab my camera. I think I remember sledding down the same stairs with my brothers. This morning I asked Jeff about a cable cord in the corner of my living room. He said he thinks it belongs to my dad’s old satellite television. “Can I cut it?” Maybe you should check with Bub first was his answer. Is it strange that we have lived in this house for EIGHT YEARS and there are still things only Bub knows the answer too?
Kids start back to school in a couple days…need to make a Target run for supplies…bet there will be crowds today.

Productive week at work…getting ready to send our new magazine to the printers. I got a call Wednesday morning from my boss, he said, “grab a camera and head downstairs to the Men’s Room.” Okay. Turns out there was a coral snake in the bath room…yuck. As if that wasn’t enough wild life I spotted a bear crossing the highway on my way to work Friday morning. It was amazing. My first Tyndall bear spotting and I couldn’t believe it.
Yesterday was Jeff’s birthday and we had tacos with friends and family. It was a great night. Our friends are the best! The guys at “Old Mexico” make the dinner eventful and yummy. Jeff has decided that his next birthday will be a big deal…he will be 35. He is planning a year of physical and spiritual renewal that started with a trip to GNC and to join a health club first thing this morning. He is going to start working out with his friend Dustin and their goal is to become “beefcakes.” Who uses that work? I crack up every time I say it. I told Jeff I’m buying him the URL www.journeyto beefcake to journal the year. Ha!
Sorry about the randomness…