Friday, September 17, 2010


You know, so many times it really is the “little things” that make my heart happy. I was killing time at Wallgreens this week while the kiddos were having their passport photos taken and decided to carefully inspect their coupon paper to see if I needed anything on sale. Well there was a coupon for buy one get one free razors and blades from Schick Quattro. Although I have been buying these overpriced blades for Jeff for years, I usually settle on whatever disposal razors are on sale…or better yet, whatever it at the checkout counter where I usually decide I need them. So because of the coupon (and the fact that I had worn pants to work three days in a row because of my scary legs) I decided to try them out. What a difference! I am now a believer and will never again return to the Target brand razors of the past. I swear the new razors made me happy for the entire evening and even thinking about it now makes me smile. As an aside, I got laundry detergent there for $2.99- a big 72 loads bottle, isn’t the crazy?

Now for some more randomness…

Caroline and Nick know a little girl who had small accident and needed some plastic surgery this week and this is a conversation between the two of them about it.

Caroline: Emily has to have plastic surgery.
Nick: What does that mean?
Caroline: It means an operation, you know like Michael Jackson.
Nick: You mean their making Emily black?

What in the world!? Nicholas says something daily that makes me laugh and how odd is it that the King of Pop is Caroline’s only frame of reference for “plastic surgery.”

Well the weekend is finally here and I couldn’t be any more excited. Jeff and the kids have stuff at church going on in the morning so I think I will attack some laundry, vacuum dog hair, and maybe frame some pictures I had printed a few weeks ago. One thing’s for sure…there will be sleeping in tomorrow!

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